How I Run A Small Business While Traveling The Country

Over the past 2+ years of being a full time artist, I am slowly learning how to balance our life of travel with running my own small business. My husband plays in the NFL and we travel A LOT based on his yearly schedule. And, because we live in several different cities and states each year, I am not always in my studio able to create artwork whenever I want.

To make the most out of every year, I found a few essential tools that help my business thrive even while I am away from my studio and traveling.


1. plan my yearly calendar

I look at my calendar and mark what months I can take on a lot of work and what months I cannot. This helps me to avoid some serious burnout and drastic changes to my work schedule.


January - April : TRAVEL : Football season comes to an end and our off season begins. We travel a lot during this time so I take on less commissions and focus more on things I can do from my computer.

April - June : HOME : We are back in Minnesota for football so I ramp back up my commissions and artwork creation.

July : TRAVEL : We have this month off again which means … more traveling … and I schedule less artwork during this time.

August - December : HOME : Football season has arrived and we are back home in Minnesota for a while so I really am able to create a lot of artwork during this time!


2. pre-plan artwork

When we are traveling for long periods at a time, I plan ahead and bring artwork with me. I book drawings further in advance so I know what supplies to bring with me. Then, I pre-cut and plan packaging for each drawing and pack it with me.


3. avoid the guilt

During the months we travel, I generally don’t work as much. There were times I felt guilty for this. But with the life and schedule that we have right now, it is impossible for me to have a normal work routine. There is no way for me to pack up my entire studio and bring it with me wherever we go. Over the past year I have been practicing being present and grateful for wherever I am - working hard when its time to work hard, and enjoying the down time when it is time for that too. My work hours and yearly calendar may look incredibly different form other small business owners, and I am okay with that!


4. get inspired

The great thing about our lifestyle is we get to see so many beautiful places each year! I try to take in all that is around me and find new inspiration for future artwork. This past off season, we were in Arizona surrounded by the dessert and mountains and it inspired my new, upcoming collection titled EXPLOR

In my second year of self-employment, I have had two years to get to know my schedule and understand what I can handle, what times of year we travel, and when we are home the most. I try my best avoid comparison and focus on what works best for me and my business!

I am not perfect at this by any means, and I know this list will continue to evolve. In 2022, I am hoping to add to this list with #5 - Passive Income. I have some new ideas swirling around and am excited to bring them to life! Stay tuned …

As always, thank you for your support in my small business! I am thankful everyday that I get to do what I love, while being able to champion the man I love :)


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